
All Kinds Of Poker


Poker has been a popular card game for hundreds of years. Over time a number of variations of poker have been developed. Some have fallen out of favor and basically disappeared, while some are more popular than ever. Today, there are six types of poker games that are commonly played in casinos and at casino parties.

Hi guys, I like holdem, I played all kinds of poker but this is the best from in my opinion. And another game I play no more than holdem. May 9th, 2020, 4:43 AM brains12341 Join Date. Played in the World Series of Poker, Texas Hold ‘Em is easily the most popular.

If you’re new to playing poker and plan to attend an upcoming casino fundraiser or go on a trip to Vegas, here’s a quick rundown of the different poker games and how they differ.

5-Card Stud

The simplest way to play this poker game is to have the dealer give each player five cards face down. The players must use only those five cards to make a winning hand (see below).

The other way to play 5-card stud (like they do in casinos) is to have each player pay an ante first. The dealer then gives each player one card face up and one card face down. There’s a round of betting. Next, each player is dealt a card face up and another round of betting occurs. Another card is dealt face up followed by betting. A final fifth card is dealt face up and the last round of bets are made. The remaining players show their face down card and the best hand wins.

How many types of poker are there

7-Card Stud

The game is similar to 5-card stud except this time:

All types of poker
  • The dealer hands out two cards face down and one face up after the players pay the ante.

  • The first round of bets are placed.

  • The game continues with each player being dealt a fourth, fifth and sixth card face up followed by betting each time.

  • The seventh and final card is dealt face down.

  • The players place one more round of bets.

  • All the remaining players show all of their cards and whoever makes the best hand using five of their seven cards wins.

5-Card Draw

Five card draw begins with each player paying the ante to get in on the action. Each player is then dealt five cards. After the cards are dealt it’s time for the first round of betting. Once the bets are in the remaining players can decide to exchange one or all of their cards for new ones.

After everyone chooses to draw or stay there’s a second round of betting. Once betting is complete the players that are still in the game reveal their cards. The best hand takes the pot.

7-Card Draw

The game has the same concept with 5-Card Draw, but now there are seven cards. It starts with an ante before each player is dealt seven cards face down. Players are able to place bets. Each player can then exchange up to four cards or keep the cards they have. There’s another round of bets. The remaining players that haven’t folded show their cards to see who has the best five-card hand.

Texas Hold’em - The King of Poker

When we’re throwing casino parties in Texas, our Hold’em Poker tables are always full. Texas Hold’em is the most popular poker game in every American casino. In Hold'em, each player is dealt only two cards and must use at least three community cards to complete his/her 5-card hand. Here is the procedure for Texas Hold'em:

  • The dealer deals each player two hole cards and then players place the first of four possible bets.

  • Next, the dealer deals three community cards ('the flop') where all the players can see.

  • Players bet again.

  • The dealer lays down the fourth community card ('the turn').

  • Players bet again.

  • The fifth and final community card is dealt.

  • The players place their final bet.

Ever since the World Series of Poker took off, Texas Hold’em has surged in popularity. As the official game of the tournament, it has gotten a lot of exposure among the general public.

Omaha Hold’em

This game is very similar to Texas Hold’em but there are a few key differences. Each player is dealt four hole cards and all five community cards are shown at once. Players must use two of the hole cards to make their hand. This of course helps players make big hands in Omaha Hold’em. Some also believe that have four hole cards and using two of them makes Omaha Hold’em more complex than Texas Hold’em.

Winning Poker Hands and Their Rank

You know the basics of how the game is played, so now you need to know how to win! Whoever has the strongest poker hand takes the pot. Here are the winning poker hands in order from strongest to weakest:

Royal Flush - All the same suit of A, K, Q, J, 10

Straight Flush - Any five cards all in a row of the same suit

Four of a Kind - All four cards of one rank

Full House - A pair along with three of a kind

Flush - All cards are the same suit

Straight - Any five cards in a row with different suits

Three of a Kind - Three cards of the same rank

Two Pair - Two pairs of any kind

Pair - Any two cards of the same rank

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Original Source: https://casinoknightsinc.com/casino-101/poker-101-different-types-poker-games-2/


Understanding the Different Types of Poker Hands

Two Simple Hands

Strictly speaking, in most standard poker games like Texas Holdem, there are only two types of hands that you should be concerned about: starting hands and the actual five-card poker hands. Let’s take a look at each one below:

Please note the following card references:

(h) Hearts (d) Diamonds (c) Clubs (s) Spades

Starting hands

As the name implies, a starting hand is made up of the initial cards that you are dealt. In games like Texas Holdem, it consists of a pair of cards that you could later on turn into a full five-card poker hand once all community cards are revealed.

Now, while there’s really no way to know for sure whether or not a specific starting hand would turn into a winner come showdown time, seasoned players know, based on experience (and a little bit of math), that certain starting hands have a better chance of building into something strong later in the game over others. These are called premium starting hands. In Texas Holdem, they are as follows:

  • AA
  • KK
  • QQ
  • AK (suited)
  • JJ

If you’re a beginner, it would be a good idea to start out only playing when you get any of these starting hands and just folding when you get anything else. Of course, the more games you play and the better you get at strategizing, reading your opponents, and bluffing (which you can learn more about here), the more starting hands you can add to your play list.
Let’s now move on to the next type of poker hands you should familiarize yourself with:


Five-card hands

Most standard poker games, even the three- and seven-card varieties, only compare the strongest five-card hand the players can build come showdown time.

Listed below are all the five-card hands at your disposal:

#1 Royal Flush

The most difficult hand to come by in poker, the royal flush only has a 0.000154% probability of occurring. It is made up of five suited cards of consecutive values and uses an ace its highest card. It is considered the strongest hand in poker.
Ex: Ac Kc Qc Jc 10c

#2 Straight Flush

This hand is pretty much the same as a royal flush. The only difference is that it has a king or lower as its highest card, which is why it only comes second on the list.
Ex: 10s 9s 8s 7s 6s

#3 Four of a Kind

Made up of four same-valued cards and an additional random fifth card, the odds of any player getting this hand are 4,164:1.
Ex: 8d 8h 8s 8c As

#4 Full House

This hand is made up of two parts: a trip and a pair. A trip consists of three cards of the same value while a pair, as you may have figured out by its name, is made up of two same-valued cards.
Ex: 4d 4h 4s 8s 8c

#5 Flush

Remember the straight flush? Well, this hand is pretty much the same thing except that it doesn’t require your card values to be in consecutive order.

Mathematically speaking, there are 5,108 ways you can build a flush with a standard deck of 52 cards. Regardless, the hand is still quite difficult to get. In fact, your odds of doing so are just 508:1.
Ex: Kh 9h 6h 4h 2h

All Types Of Poker Card Games

#6 Straight

Another hand that’s derived, if you will, from a straight flush, a straight does not care about the suit of your cards. All you need to build one are five cards of consecutive values.
Ex: Kd Qc Js 10c 9h

#7 Three of a Kind

All Kinds Of Poker Hands

With a 2.1128% probability of occurring, this hand is essentially just the trip part of a full house plus two additional random cards to complete the set.
Ex: 3h 3s 3c Qd 8s

#8 Two Pair

Remember the pair part of a full house? Well, just take that then add another pair plus one more random card and you have a two pair hand.
Ex: Jd Jh 8d 8c 3s

#9 One Pair

No need for long explanations for this one. It’s just a pair of same-valued cards plus three other random cards to meet the five-card requirement.
Ex: Qd Qh As 3c 2s

#10 High Card

How Many Types Of Poker Are There

If you can’t build any of the preceding hands, then you get this one by default. It’s made up of just five totally random cards.

Needless to say, it is the weakest hand in poker.
Ex: 10d 8c 7s 5h 3h

You’re now a poker hand type master!

All Types Of Poker Hands

Now, are you ready to enjoy some real money poker action online? Then sign up for a www.safeclub.com account today! And check back again soon for more poker guides, tips and tricks like this one!